Category: Spiritual Growth

59. Wellness Tools – Part 4

Caroline closes out her four-part series on wellness by discussion spiritual wellness. Two key activities for spiritual growth are prayer and Bible study. Prayer The Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Neibuhr (1892-1971, German theologian) God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should […]

58. Wellness Tools – Part 3

Affirmations & Journaling In this third of four episodes on wellness, Caroline shares information on how to use affirmations and journaling to improve mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Affirmations Using affirmations and accompanying Scriptures, a person can retrain their thoughts to line up with the truth of God’s Word. They will begin to accept their […]

57. Wellness Tools – Part 2

Christian meditation In part 2 of the Wellness Tools series, Caroline presents eight types of Christian Meditation based on an article called “What is the best type of meditation?” from Medical News Today. Find out how you can experience presence and peace of God through Loving-kindness meditation Progressive muscle relaxation Mindfulness meditation Breath awareness meditation […]

54. What is Selective Mutisim? with Nanette Holloway

SELECTIVE MUTISM – social anxiety Nanette Holloway shares her experience with selective mutism, a condition typically found in childhood and occasionally continuing into adulthood. The Cleveland Clinic describes selective mutism (SM) as “a mental health condition where you can’t talk in certain situations because of fear or anxiety. It usually affects young children, but it […]

51. Heartache, Grief, and God with Judith Vander Wege

Judith Vander Wege has been a Christian freelance writer for 44 years. On today’s episode, she shares about the heartache she’s endured over her life and how God has walked with her through the pain and grief. Judith shared insights about grief from her book, Annalisa’s Journey through Grief.  See the book on Amazon. suggestions for […]

50. A Christian Approach to Mental Health with Warren Kinghorn

WAYFARING: A CHRISTIAN APPROACH TO MENTAL HEALTH Warren Kinghorn is a psychiatrist, theological ethicist, and author. But more than anything, he is a man of God who desires to keep faith at the forefront in all his endeavors. In this interview, Dr. Kinghorn shares personal thoughts and insights from his book, Wayfaring: A Christian Approach […]

49. Surviving Suicide with Chris Morris

Caroline’s guest, Chris Morris, has a story to tell. In episode 48, he shares important tips for finding a therapist based on his challenging experience. Additionally, Chris talks about the importance of having a support network for accountability. Episode 49 goes deeper into Chris’s story as he shares about his suicide attempt. This important episode […]

46. Trauma & Trauma Informed Care with Roxanne Pendleton

Roxanne Pendleton shares information about trauma and trauma informed care (TIC) from a professional and personal perspective. She has lived through trauma and turned that experience into an opportunity to help others. Roxanne works as a trauma consultant at the Center for Trauma Informed Innovation at University Health-Behavioral Health (formerly Truman Behavioral Health). Roxanne is […]

42. Writing for Recovery: Journaling

The Mental Health and Faith: A Closer Look program presents a series of episodes on Writing Your Way to Recovery. Throughout June 2024, Caroline shares content originally created for presentations at two different mental health conferences in Missouri. Today’s episode explores how journaling can be beneficial in working your way to healing. Journaling Thanks to […]

41. Writing for Recovery: Poetry

The Mental Health and Faith: A Closer Look program presents a series of episodes on Writing Your Way to Recovery. Throughout June 2024, Caroline shares content originally created for presentations at two different mental health conferences in Missouri. Today’s episode explores how poetry can be beneficial in exploring emotions and how to express those feelings […]

39. Are you Anxious? So am I!

Let’s have an honest conversation. My husband lost his job last year and at one point we thought we’d lose our house. Some close relatives have experienced significant health issues. I didn’t receive the promotion that I thought was guaranteed. I had a disagreement with a friend that has broken our relationship. My new insurance […]

34. New Heavens and New Earth

New Heavens and a New Earth The fourth and final episode in the All Things New series looks at three passages in Scripture — the only three passages — that use the phrase “new heavens and new earth.” Isaiah 65:17-19 God speaks to his people through the prophet Isaiah to give them a glimmer of […]

31. All Things New – New Life

All Things New A New Life What does having new life have to due with mental health? Our spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental health are all connected. It is my hope that as we explore the idea of having new life that we will experience hope, joy, and peace. When we experience these positive outlooks […]

29. Recognizing Victory

Recognizing Victory In this final episode of a three-part series, Caroline concludes sharing the Cycle of Recovery. In reflecting on her recovery journey, Caroline recognized the need to find hope, experience transformation, and recognize victory. Listen as she recaps the entire cycle with an emphasis on victory. The horse is prepared for the day of […]

28. Experience Transformation

This episode is a replay of Episode 18 – The Cycle of Recovery (Part 2) – Transformation, originally published in April 2023. Experience Transformation In this second episode of a three-part series, Caroline continues sharing the Cycle of Recovery. In reflecting on her recovery journey, Caroline recognized the need to find hope, experience transformation, and […]

20. The Cycle of Recovery (Part 3)

Recognize Victory In this final episode of a three-part series, Caroline concludes sharing the Cycle of Recovery. In reflecting on her recovery journey, Caroline recognized the need to find hope, experience transformation, and recognize victory. Listen as she recaps the entire cycle with an emphasis on victory. The horse is prepared for the day of […]

19. The Cycle of Recovery (Part 2)

Experience Transformation In this second episode of a three-part series, Caroline continues sharing the Cycle of Recovery. In reflecting on her recovery journey, Caroline recognized the need to find hope, experience transformation, and recognize victory. Today, she shares her insights on transformation. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the […]

18. The Cycle of Recovery (Part 1)

Find Hope In this first episode of a three-part series, Caroline introduces the Cycle of Recovery. In reflecting on her recovery journey, Caroline recognized the need to find hope, experience transformation, and recognize victory. Today, she shares her insights on recovery and hope. For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. […]

15. Palm Sunday and Before

Part 1 – Palm Sunday In this first of three Bible lessons on Easter events, Caroline reads the Palm Sunday story. She then takes a look at events immediately before and after Jesus rode into Jerusalem for Passover. Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Crisis Lines Nationwide (USA) Suicide […]

11. Restoring Families with Holly Haynes (Part 2)

Restoring Families Caroline continues her interview with Holly Haynes with the Faith-Based Counseling Training Institute (FBCTI). In this episode, Holly shares the final four steps of FBCTI’s 7-step approach to reconciliation. Check out episode 10 for the first three steps! The 7 Steps to Reconciliation Be a peacemaker and make the first move Ask God […]

10. Restoring Families with Holly Haynes (Part 1)

Restoring Families Caroline’s guest, Holly Haynes, shares the importance of having a relationship with God as a foundation for restoring relationships with people. Holly shares Faith-Based Counseling Training Institute’s 7-step approach to restoring family relationships. In this episode, Holly gives foundational information and reveals the first three steps with Scriptural support, stories, and insights. (In […]

8. Family Conflicts and Forgiveness with Dr. James Clark

As the holidays approach, many families anticipate family gatherings with excitement and joy. Unfortunately, some people may be dreading the obligatory holiday gathering. In this interview with Dr. James Clark, we will learn practical steps to take to reduce, and hopefully eliminate, potential family conflict. We will also learn to ask for and offer forgiveness […]


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If you think you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please seek immediate attention from a mental healthcare provider or call/text 9-8-8, the suicide and crisis lifeline.

Caroline S. Cooper is a Certified Peer Specialist (CPS) and not a licensed therapist. Caroline’s ministry, Mental Health Connect, offers educational and encouraging resources. The information contained on this site is not intended to, and does not, replace assistance from a mental health professional.